
I can so relate to Jonah

Jonah is by far one of my most favorite stores in the Bible. I love the encounter God has with his struggling follower Jonah. Why? Because I have been a Jonah, I think we all have been at one time or another. And truth of the matter is I will probably be a Jonah again.

Jonah is a dude who forgot his calling- to reach the lost. He thought his way was the best way and didn't understand God's call to go. So much so that when he was called he ran, in the exact opposite direction. Guy gets swallowed by a whale (provided by the Lord- because Jesus is cool like that and saves us even when we don't deserve it) and later puked up and then finally goes to do what God had asked, albeit begrudgingly. Great story. I can so relate to Jonah.

You know those moments when God begins to change your path and you kinda plug your ears pretending you can't hear the very Maker of your ears and what He is saying to you?

I can so relate to Jonah.

Today during my quiet time I was kinda reading over this book and just pondering Jonah's story. And, I got to chapter 2, the part where Jonah is chillin in the whale, because he has no choice, but he uses that time to pray. He recounts that the Lord is mighty enough to save him. "To the roots of the mountains I sank down; the earth beneath me barred me in forever. But you brought my life up from the pit, O Lord my God." Jonah 2:6

And then we get to one of my favorite verses of the Bible, it has made my top 50 list for sure.

"Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs."
Jonah 2:8

How powerful is that? In his moment of distress Jonah realizes the error of his ways. Right after praying verse 8 Jonah then vows to do what the Lord has asked and then in verse 10 the Lord has the whale spit Jonah up to fulfill that vow.

What was Jonah's worthless idol? Pride? Arrogance? Security?

More importantly, what are my worthless idols?
By clinging (to hold tightly
, cleave to, remain attached) to the
idols in my life (money, time, love, security, self worth)
I forfeit (receive a fine or penalty, lose the right to)
the GRACE (manifestation of favor, pardon, mercy) that could be mine.

I don't want to miss it. I don't want to be holding on so tightly to the life that I desire, and the one that I have mapped out in my head that I loose out on, forfeit, a portion of God's plan for my life. That takes courage. And daily death to self.

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