
Book of the Month: March

Man, this is late. But really, who has time to blog? I certainly feel like I don't. Nonetheless-

This book was recommended to me by a dear friend who was recently married. I figured that since I have quite a bit to learn about what it takes to be an excellent wife that I would pick this up and give it a read. What a very challenging read! Martha Peace examines a lot of different topics ranging from submission to love and respect and caring for your husband and a household. Would definitely recommend it to a friend who is engaged or even one who has been married for a decade. The book paints a wonderful picture of what a Biblical wife looks like and more than once I found myself overwhelmed by the weight of such a responsibility. Thankful that the Lord's grace is sufficient, with His help I can begin to become the wife that He created me to be.

This last week at work I had one of my sweet, older customers come in to make a transaction and I realized that her arm was in a sling. Upon questioning her about it she told me that her husband had done that to her. As you can imagine, I stood there trying not to let my jaw hit the counter in utter shock and disgust. She continued to tell me that this is the second time this has happened, not only has he broken her shoulder but he recently broke her wrist. At this point I am MAD. The story continues this way- her husband has Alzheimers. In his moments of not remembering who she is he gets violent and attacks her. After this last incident she has decided she can no longer be alone in his room. She can't be with her husband alone. Her life partner, her soul mate, the person who has lived life along side her. He doesn't recognize her. This disease has stolen his memory, almost erasing their relationship.

This news devastated me. I don't know this woman well but I was heartbroken for her. I instantly put myself in her shoes and was almost overcome with grief. Surprisingly, she was not bitter or angry. I did see traces of devastation in her face. In fact, she was there withdrawing money to pay for the home that he lives in. That is an excellent wife. Until death do you part. No matter what. Even when it is hard, messy and life throws what seems like unbearable burdens your way. A commitment to love someone no matter what. This is something you don't see very much in society today. When things get hard, you run. You find something easier, better. You don't fix it, you throw it away.

What a great picture the Lord gave me this week of marriage, of the commitment I am making to Zach. Until death do us part. I will love him, cherish him, support him. In sickness and in health. In riches and in poverty. In the happiness and the sorrow of life.

Until death do us part.

1 comment:

  1. this made me smile :) i am so looking forward to you being married and getting to share in many phone dates filled with sharing of what the Lord is doing in our marriages
