
Day 24

November 24th, 2010: It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is--tomorrow! Today my roommates and I headed to the grocery store to get the items we will need for the not one- but TWO- Thanksgivings we get to be a part of. Tomorrow we will be headed to have a traditional Thanksgiving celebration with several of our American friends. On Friday, we are having a Thanksgiving dinner party at our apartment to invite even more of our friends to come enjoy. Because our friends have never experienced a Thanksgiving dinner we thought it would be fun to be able to teach them an American holiday! We are so excited about the next couple of days! I can't wait to help cook a Thanksgiving feast!

Thank of the day: Today I am thankful for my roommates. As we drove to the grocery store today we realized how rare of an occasion it is for us all to be together and how much we enjoy it when we are. I am so thankful for the laughter and love that we share. Even though I am spending this Thanksgiving away from my family I am thankful that I have 4 beautiful women to share the holiday with!

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