
Life in Missouri

Man, what a crazy month(ish) that it has been. Sometimes I feel like I have been here forever and I have to remind myself how short a time it has actually been. So so so much has happened, which hopefully explains why I have been a little more tired since getting here. Even if it doesn't I use the fact that I don't have a job to sleep a little more and make up for the first half of this year- which was complete insanity.

Let's recap, shall we?
It started with saying goodbye, for now. Never fun. But we were glad that we stayed close to home for our honeymoon to allow some extra time for family and dear friend goodbyes. It was worth it! 

First cross country...err, anywhere... road trip! We started in Las Vegas, to Zion, Utah, Denver, Colorado and then to home sweet home Maryville, Missouri. 23 hours of driving handled by my awesome husband! We really did have a wonderful time despite all the rain... and all the driving!

Moving in. Now, why is it that no one has ever told me what a pain it is to move!? Oh. My. Word. I thought for sure the boxes would never leave. But, they have and actually we are pretty much settled and the apartment looks great. I have had a wonderful time decorating and making this pre-marriage Bachelor pad look like a home! I will have to post "finished" pictures later.

Cooking, lots of cooking. This was the first home cooked meal I made in our new kitchen. :) 

Learned how to fish! My mom-in-law and sister-in-law got me a fishing pole as a bridal shower gift and I have loved learning how to fish. I have even actually "beat" Zach fishing pulling in a 12 inch bass as my first catch! It was pretty great, and it is a pretty addicting sport. Good thing we live about 10 minutes from a lake. 

Car issues. For some reason I feel like this has consumed our month...maybe because it has. From having to drive to another city to fix the windshield I cracked during our road trip to just registering the dang car here in Missouri my wonderful Saturn has been a handful. Or two. But praise the Lord it looks like it is finally behind us! And I am a legal resident now! 
Name change. Don't even get me started.

Time with my parents in our new home! They came down for almost a week to celebrate our Missouri reception and bridal shower. It was wonderful to have them here, wish it could have been longer. 

Went to my very first ever county fair! What a fun night! Also, a night full of culture shock. But, Zach won us a goldfish (which we didn't keep) and we ate funnel cake so I marked that night down as a win in my book! 
First major purchase! The Lord provided us a great deal on a new washer and dryer set. These aren't ours but you get the picture. It has been a HUGE blessing to own this appliance because without it we would be spending a lot of time (and money) and the laundromat. So, we are blessed! The day after we had them installed I spent about 11 hours catching up on weeks worth of laundry. Never been so happy to wash clothes. 

And that almost sums up my last few weeks here in Maryville. It's been busy and overwhelming at times but I have loved getting adjusted to being a wife and my new lifestyle here in the Midwest. 

1 comment:

  1. A busy first month that looks pretty darn awesome! Glad you have each other and great family around you there even though it is far away. Love you, Mom (I'm signing this in my post because I'm not sure how to do this without Anna showing me)
