
Oh, Missouri!

Well, I have started really adjusting to life here. It's been about two and a half months now and things are normal! A new normal I suppose, but any normal is good with me. Here are some things I have learned and noticed since getting married and #MovingToMo. Hope you enjoy! 

1. Men are much different than women. Breaking news, shock of the century. I know, but just humor me for a minute. I never realized some of the differences we have until getting married and actually living with a man. Almost too many to name. To save any potential strife I will just leave it at that. 

2. Learning to drive in a new place made me/is making me insane. Turn signals? What are those? It's OK you don't need that part of your bumper, I will just hit it as I clip this corner.- Every single driver here. La-De-Da we have no where to  go so I will just STOP at the green light and chat with my passenger. Dealing with 35 MPH as a top speed and having to pass farm vehicles on the freeway. To say things are slower paced here could be an understatement. While the things above are annoying most of the time is has also been really great to slow down and not feel so rushed everywhere we go. I could get used to that.  

3. Where are all the people? Some days I feel like there is no one here. Especially in comparison to the MILLIONS of people in Vegas. Constant traffic and hustle and bustle. We don't have to wait in lines at a restaurant (!) traffic is always calm (!!) and heck when I went to the DMV there was NO ONE else there. (!!!) I thought there was no one really here, until the thousands of college kids arrived. Man, the atmosphere changed. Suddenly the one lane roads aren't sufficient anymore. And forget about going to Walmart, ever. 

4. Fall! We have a fall! People, listen to me. It is mid September and I am wearing a hoodie! Unfathomable, right!? It is cloudy outside and all I want to do is drink hot chocolate and watch a movie. They tell me we get ORANGE leaves and there will be hay rides, corn mazes, fall festivals, and other cool stuff. I like fall! 

5. I am having serious withdrawals. Starbucks, Target, People, Church Family, Friends. It comes in waves. For instance, I need some new clothes for work. Looked at the shops we have here- not much. I know Target has to be having some wonderful sales right now... but it is 45 minutes away. To the locals that is no big deal, for me it feels ridiculous. This means that every trip we take away from Maryville must be carefully planned out to get the most for our money. Anyway, I think we are gonna have to take a trip to Target ...soon....and I may slip a Starbucks run into the mix.  

6. Fresh produce In the last couple of months, thanks to my in-laws and their church family, Zach and I have never had to buy a tomato! And now pears have been added to the mix! People garden here and they share it. Pretty awesome. Once we get a more permanent place to live I am going to give it a try. 

7. Marriage is wonderful! Everyone always says it. And, I always believed it but once I experienced it I fully understand. Marriage. Is. Wonderful. It's great to have a constant, gonna love you forever friend, soul mate, spouse living in your house. Someone to care for and love and who loves you all the time no matter what. It's so great having Zach get off work at the end of the day and have him come home to me rather than Skype me. That never grows old. Zach knows my every thought and feeling. He knows me better than I know myself. We laugh, grow, cry, argue, cuddle, go everywhere with one another, love each other more each day... it's awesome. I highly recommend it. 

8. I miss my family and friends. It has taken a while to adjust to life here. I am used to being away from Vegas for months at a time. I have to sometimes remind myself- I am not going back. This is not a vacation or working in another place. This is reality. And while I LOVE (dont' get me wrong) it, it is sometimes hard. I want to be able to see my family, church and friends. Settling in to a new normal takes time. 

There are many, many more things I could write about the things I have learned and the similarities/differences I have discovered. One thing I know for sure- no matter where it is God has called us together, and I am so thankful that I have Zach. This is where we are supposed to be in this season. I am learning and growing a lot. And, the more I get over my stubbornness the better Maryville looks. 

1 comment:

  1. Just a few comments:

    1. You grew up with girls

    2. Henderson is pretty slow that way too.

    5. I do that every week for church.

    6. container gardening check out: http://www.onehundreddollarsamonth.com/

    So glad you are doing well.

