Forgive my tardiness.... all this writing is beginning to wear me out!
The Potter
"Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hand." {Isaiah 64:8}
Jeremiah 18 talks about the Lord's revelation to Jeremiah- that we are God's masterpieces that He may shape at His own will and pleasing. God, the Potter- the great Creator whom breathes life into us. Who works tediously on us, shaping us into what He has created us to be. At times, this is a painful experience as we tend to go against the hand of the Potter, attempting to go the way we want to go. Creating imperfections in our life and hindering our usefulness. Just as a potter would God does not give up on us, His creation, despite our rebellion and self imposed imperfections. Oftentimes our sinful actions will leave holes in us, the clay, and we dry that way- full of cracks and imperfections and simply incapable of being what God designed us to be. But, God does not give up on us. A potter would not throw a piece like this away because clay does not loose it's mold-ability even when it becomes dry and seemingly useless. The potter can break this piece, adding water to the dried up clay and begin the process of reshaping it into what he desires it to be, a useful instrument. The Great Potter is the same way, breaking us, adding life back into us, constantly shaping us and smoothing out all our imperfections to create us into useful instruments for His Kingdom.
The Potter does not abandon His creation, no one is beyond His reach.
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